Thumbnails of Vadim Gorbatov's online wildlife art gallery. |
This is the exclusive online gallery for the Russian wildlife artist Vadim Gorbatov. Through the eaglehunter / eaglefalconer websites you can order prints to be made by the artist in Russia. This is the largest collection of Vadim Gorbatov's prints and currently stands at 77 paintings showing this Russian artists wonderful talent.
We do not keep stock of these prints but print to special order, if you would like to order any of these prints please email me. |
Click on any images to be taken to the gallery and accompanying text.
Memoirs of a Hunter is a staggering true-life adventure of deep snow, dark forests and times and places long since claimed by history. In Finland, lynx are run down on skis, in Tsarist Russia borzois are matched against wolves, and below the Ural mountains the reader is introduced to some of the most formidable golden eagles ever employed in falconry. For more details and how to obtain a copy. |
After Thunderstorm |
Autumn Rains |
over swamp |
Capercaillies |
Cranes over the
Great Fen |
Cranes |
After War Years
Russian Spaniels |
Miss-Fire |
Russian Bear Hunter |
Kazakh Berkutchi |
Grasp |
Russian Borzois |
To the Fields |
Tzar's Falconer |
Throughout Taiga |
Sikhote-Alin Mountains |
Siberian Tigers |
Moose and Calves |
Over red flags |
The path to abandoned village |
Russian Foxhounds |
To Human |
Together with the winds |
Weasel |
Couple of Wolves |
Moonrise |
Falconers |
Fireside |
First Light |
First Snow Karelian Husky |
Karelian Husky |
Russian Husky |
First smells of Spring |
Goldfinches |
Russian Borzoi |
First Snow |
Alone |
Bear and Mountain Ash |
Bear near fresh den. |
Capercaillie, first light |
Capercaillie, winters day |
Clouded Leopard, Cambodia |
Great Grey Owl |
Hazel Hen, April rain. |
Otters and Kingfisher |
Startled Mallard |
Under old spruce. |
Wind and Sun. Lynx |
Abandoned Village |
Village Wolves |
Barn Swallows in June. |
Behind the Ural Mountains. |
Black Grouse on Ice. |
Butterflys over Cliff. |
Capercaillie Hen. |
Capercaillie over running water. |
Capercaillie Autumn display. |
Cranes and Moose. |
Cranes over Chapel. |
Evening at the Swamp. |
Fresh Grass. |
Good Morning Cranes. |
Hazel Hen. |
Meeting at the Cranberry Marsh. |
Midnight at the Kunovat Swamps. |
Moose mating season. |
Near destroyed water-mill. |
Night thunderstorm. |
Old Boat. |
Old Chapel and bear. |
Quails. |
Ravens over black lake. |
The Silence. |
Swans behind the window. |
Young Hunter with whistle. |
Golden Water. |