An Eaglehunter is not a person who hunts eagles, but instead a falconer who hunts with eagles. My name is Alan Gates and I am a British falconer and I have trained and hunted with Golden Eagles for most of my life.
This web site is an associate site to my main website,
The two sites are interlinked and you will hopefully navigate seamlessly between them.
Although the primary purpose of the site is about my life and adventures with Golden Eagles. As a falconer I am also fascinated with all hunting raptors and so you will also find many general falconry articles, and within my PhotoGallery there are chapters dedicated to falcons, hawks, dogs and anything else I have found fascinating.
As you will see if you go to the equipment section, We are now offering some pieces of falconry furniture and equipment for the decerning collector from the items I have gathered up along my travels.
Check out the Pigeon page, did you know a pigeon could play the flute and whistle.
If you are a new visitor to this site, then I hope you spend many a happy hour, so just sit back and browse. My intention is to keep adding content and improving the layout of what is already available. If you have any comments then the contact page is how you get hold of me. Just be a little patient if I am on my travels as access to an online computer can sometimes be many days away.
Two new prints have been added to the Vadim Gorbatov gallery. 
Kublai Khan's fabulous Hunting Party

Hunting Party scene from Frederick II

I am very pleased to now have Vadim Gorbatov's wonderful wildlife gallery to show you the superb talent of this great artist.
Check out a new book from Fernhill Press, Friedrich Remmlers 'Memoirs of a Hunter. Illustrated by Vadim Gorbatovs wonderful sketches.
Our new Eagle Falconry book recommendation page is now up and running. More books will be added as I have the time to add them.
Falconry Club and Field meets have been celebrated with the minting of metal badges or pins for many decades. I have just created a page to illustrate a few of the ones I have collected over the years. I am always interested in any views or extra information that readers may want to offer.
may your wings always feel the wind.

Alan Gates. |